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I Inherited Property In Israel. What Must I Do To Transfer This Real Estate To My Name?

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  • I Inherited Property In Israel. What Must I Do To Transfer This Real Estate To My Name?

To transfer inherited property in Israel to your name, you’ll need to go through a process that involves the Israeli court system and the Land Registry. Here’s an overview of the steps involved:

  1. Obtain a Probate Order: The crucial first step is to obtain a probate order from an Israeli court. This order is the key to officially recognizing you as the rightful heir to the property under Israeli law. You may need to hire an Israeli lawyer to assist you with this process, which can involve submitting documents such as the deceased’s death certificate, will (if applicable), and proof of your relationship to the deceased.
  2. Register the Inheritance at the Land Registry (Tabu): Once you have the probate order, you must register the inheritance at the Israeli Land Registry (Tabu). This involves submitting the probate order and other relevant documents to the Tabu office. There may be fees associated with this registration.
  3. Transfer of Ownership: The final step, though it may seem complex, is straightforward. You need to officially transfer the ownership of the property to your name. This involves submitting the necessary paperwork to the Tabu, which will then update its records to reflect you as the new owner.

For professional legal assistance in navigating the process of transferring inherited property in Israel, please don’t hesitate to contact Aharoni Law Firm. We represent international clients from the United States, Canada, the UK, Europe, and Israel. You can reach us from the US or Canada at 888-923-0022 or in Israel at (972) 3 9055478 or (972) 50 7322688 to schedule a discussion regarding your case. Visit us for more information about Israel Business Law.


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